Our Mission
The Agency will deliver mandated child and family services and programs in a manner which will maintain and strengthen the individual, the family, and the First Nations community within the context of aboriginal values and customs.

What We Do
According to the principles governing Anishinaabe Child & Family Services, ACFS offers a wide-range of programs and services to the children and families of Anishinaabe Child & Family Services region, and families of other first nations who request our services.

Services to Families
It is recognized that often the best way to serve and protect children is to help their families. We know that the best time to assist families is before problems grow serious enough to cause family breakup or require removal of children from the home.
Anishinaabe Child and Family Services (ACFS)is one of ten agencies within the Southern First Nations Network of Care mandated to provide programs and services to our people that protect our children, promote family wellness, and strengthen our community.

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